
Welcome to Bungoma

Welcome to County Government of Bungoma

I am pleased to present to the people of Bungoma County our development agenda based on the following eight tenets of sustainable development: environmental sustainability; meeting social needs; promoting economic success; integrated transport and connectivity;

Inclusivity; sustainable housing and the built environment; provision of quality services and good governance.  Kenya’s chosen model of devolution presents citizens with increased opportunities to participate in governance processes at the County level. As your second Governor, I promise to pursue measures to deepen these engagements for enhanced socio-economic welfare for the people of Bungoma. We shall prioritize investments that empower our communities while opening up opportunities tomaximise their potentials. In doing so, we shall progressively ensure that we offer quality services to all.

To achieve the desired transformation, we shall invest heavily in our road transport network with a view to making public transportation effective, reducing congestion and transportation costs. This in turn will revitalize other sectors and improve access to jobs and services. Secondly we shall commit to a strong social transformation programme with emphasis on quality health services, enhancing access to safe water as well as education and training for all to promote an improved quality of life today and foster future  opportunities for the youth.Thirdly, balanced development will need caring for those left behind through a

four-pronged policy strategy: reaching those left out using universal policies especially through inclusive growth, pursuing measures for groups with special needs, making human development resilient and investing in empowerment programmes such as special economic zones.We rightly recognize that our efforts will need to be complemented by actions at the national and global level. We shall therefore pursue a broad-based co-operation and partnership model to ensure that we not only obtain the financial resources for projects implementation but also the technical know-how and transfer that can enable us invest in cottage industries as well as a vibrant Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises sector for enhanced jobs and wealth creation.I promise to be your champion to instil fiscal discipline to ensure prudent use of public resources through elimination of unnecessary expenditure and misappropriation of funds. We shall empower governance structures to ensure there is sufficient oversight and strict adherence to the law and policies.Finally, our success will be achieved through good governance which places the County residents, investors and visitors at the very heart of County resource management, allows representation and participation at all levels in determination of development projects, revenue collection and allocation and accountability for devolved funds.

Join me in this journey and lets all commit to transform our great County.



Video Intro
About Our Municipal

Total Population
in our county
Size of County in
Square kilometres
0 th
Average Costs of Home

Over three years
in the ruling

Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the U.S. and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life the Chief may also be involved in fire prevention.


Super power Administration

On top of our attention to Politician and service is a commitment to excellence all qualities admire.

200 years of city history

In 1985, WinShape Camps launched life-changing summers with our very overnight camp.

Famous for lovly city spots

That early experience set the stage for how we do camps today creating fun and faithful places.

Meet City Council

The city council have the real super powers as administraion to lead country.

Discover our lovely and
vibrant city

Experience the Tradition, Great and the Natural Beauty of the City

Latest News & Events

The news about recent activities for needed peoples claimed.

Bungoma Municipal Building-Office of The Governor,

Opposite Huduma center along Moi avenue

P.O Box 437-50200

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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