



Office of the CS & Head of Public Service that has the mandate of Organizing the County Executive Committee meetings, taking minutes and communicating decisions/resolutions. The office is also responsible for Government programmes coordination, Human Capital Management and ICT & Record Management.

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Mr William Nasong’o


Mrs. Monicah Salano Fedha is the current CECM for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Irrigation and Cooperative Development, Bungoma County and currently in acting capacity as the County Secretary, Bungoma County

She is a Luhya by tribe, married with kids and hails from Tongaren Sub County.

Mrs.Monicah holds a PHD in food security and sustainable agriculture from Jaromogi Oginga Odinga university of science and Technology(October 2018), a Masters Degree in food science and postharvest technology from Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology ( August 2004) and a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Technology from Egerton University.

Having 29 years of experience, she has worked with rural communities in promoting sustainable initiative for food and nutrition security through value chain approach, agribusiness and adoption of climate smart agriculture, promoted transformative and innovative, easy to adopt gender friendly technologies, participated in the implementation monitoring and evaluation of JICA funded project, participated in the implementation of National Agriculture and livestock extension Project ( NALEP) among other’s.

She has held senior government positions and held formulate transformative policies in the agriculture sector. Previously she has been:

-Chief officer for agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Irrigation and cooperatives

-Acted as Chief officer for Livestock and fisheries

-Chief Officer Education, youth affairs and sports

-was a Sub County Agriculture Officer ( SCAO) , in Seme sub county

-District Agriculture Officer in Kisumu County.

She has good organizational skills, interpersonal, planning, writing, communication skills and exemplary team work.

Kenya Devolution Support Programme (KDSP). The project aims at improving and strengthening County performance through Capacity Building Support from World Bank. Its major aim is to ensure improved compliance to governance and attainment of county goals. The first Phase was completed and we are in Phase 2 of the project.

The project organization includes the focal person and 5 Key results focal persons. The County Secretary is the contact officer. The project includes 21 Counties that met the minimal criteria and is Co-coordinately through the ministry of devolution. The team leader is Joseph Kisindayi and the stakeholders include HR, Finance, Procurement and Environment.

Green. Achieved 72.0% in phase 1 assessment by The World Bank. We now aim at attaining the highest score in phase 2 assessment. The project earned Kshs. 212M investment fund from phase 1 assessment that has been put into the construction of the maternity wing of the Bungoma referral Hospital. We are looking to achieve a better performance that will earn the county more funding to finance the priority projects.

The project has been focused primarily on Capacity Building where over 1000 participants have benefited from the various training undertaken in each of the Key Results Areas. The project also included Civic education to members of the County Assembly and the Public.

Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Irrigation, Fisheries & Co-operative Development 


  • To promote and facilitate improved productivity of crops for food security and agricultural raw materials, value addition and access to efficient market.
  • To promote the development of sustainable farmer-owned and managed irrigation and drainage projects, through participatory approach and coordination of stakeholders.
  • The mandate of Livestock sub-sector is to promote commercialization and industrialization of livestock production through facilitation and offering of regulatory services.
  • The veterinary department is tasked with various roles which aim to prevent and control diseases and pests to safeguard human health, improve animal welfare, increase livestock productivity and ensure high quality animals and their products to facilitate domestic and export trade.
  • To facilitate the exploitation, utilization, management, development and conservation of fisheries resources as well as Aquaculture and undertake research in fresh water fisheries.
  • The cooperative sector will provide a vehicle for sustained development of all other subsectors through provision of access to agricultural credit, promote value addition and commercialize marketing of agricultural produce through competitive pricing

CEC – Monica Salano Fedha 


Mrs. Monicah Salano Fedha is the current CECM for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Irrigation and Cooperative Development, Bungoma County and currently in acting capacity as the County Secretary, Bungoma County

She is a Luhya by tribe, married with kids and hails from Tongaren Sub County.

Mrs.Monicah holds a PHD in food security and sustainable agriculture from Jaromogi Oginga Odinga university of science and Technology(October 2018), a Masters Degree in food science and postharvest technology from Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and Technology ( August 2004) and a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Technology from Egerton University.

Having 29 years of experience, she has worked with rural communities in promoting sustainable initiative for food and nutrition security through value chain approach, agribusiness and adoption of climate smart agriculture, promoted transformative and innovative, easy to adopt gender friendly technologies, participated in the implementation monitoring and evaluation of JICA funded project, participated in the implementation of National Agriculture and livestock extension Project ( NALEP) among other’s.

She has held senior government positions and held formulate transformative policies in the agriculture sector. Previously she has been:

-Chief officer for agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Irrigation and cooperatives

-Acted as Chief officer for Livestock and fisheries

-Chief Officer Education, youth affairs and sports

-was a Sub County Agriculture Officer ( SCAO) , in Seme sub county

-District Agriculture Officer in Kisumu County.

She has good organizational skills, interpersonal, planning, writing, communication skills and exemplary team work.

Department of Education & Vocational Training

About us

The Education, Gender, Youth, Children, Sports, Culture ministry is tasked with considering, reviewing and monitoring matters relating to education, gender, youth, sports and culture and making relevant recommendations.

Also, the committee monitors the implementation and adherence of international standards and national policy and legislation at the county level and makes appropriate recommendations.

Brief Introduction

The Department of Gender, Culture and Sports was established vide Executive No. 3/2013 with a mandate to develop polices and implement programs for sustained and balanced social, culture sporting activities as well as economic development of the county with the emphasis on empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups.

It is further mandated to support research interests particularly in gender and culture as well as to ensure access, equity and equality in every aspect of development. The functions of the Department, in the context of its mission, are on policy development, regulatory and legal matters in terms of gender and culture.

The Department has a duty of promoting and developing youth and sports for a vibrant sporting industry and empowered youth. The department’s vision is to lead in creative and innovative youth empowerment, achieving sporting excellence and embracing top of the range effective and efficient communication models.

The ministry inspires the community using platforms that empower the youth, enhance sporting excellence and provision of relevant information.

The ministry believes that our diversity and breadth, allows us to explore opportunities and address challenges at the county, national and global scale and enables gender and culture to contribute heavily to the County’s economic growth. More importantly, we believe that our customers/ clients are essential to our success.



To create sustainable and equitable social and economic empowerment to all


To formulate, mainstream and implement responsive policies through coordinated strategies for sustained and balanced social cultural and economic development of the county and empowerment of the county and empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups and areas


 The Ministry is responsible for the provision of policy guidance and direction through several services, these services include:

  • Gender mainstreaming and Social Economic Empowerment of Women and PWDS,
  • Child development affairs. This entails importantly Coordination of Primary Child Protection Services
  • Social support Protection Services
  • Community Development through community mobilization and community capacity building
  • Social welfare; Family and Child welfare, Generic Social Work, NGO Coordination
  • Culture Preservation and Promotion; Establish cultural centers, preserve traditional artifacts, secure cultural and historical sites.
  • Alcoholic drinks and Licensing and Control; Regulation of liquor licensing and consumption, Enforcing the laws of cultural and regulations and alcoholic drinks
  • Administrative services; Human resource Services, Accounts Services. Procurement Services, General Administration Services, HIV Work place interventions

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CEC – Wamamili David Wanyonyi 

Doctor David Wamamili Wanyonyi is the current county executive committee member for Education and Vocational Training, Bungoma county Government.

Doctor Wamamili is a holder of PHD in Philosophy, Department of Curriculum instruct and Education and Masters of Philosophy in Kiswahili from Moi University.

He is also a holder of Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Bachelors of Arts from Kenyatta University.

Wamalili attended his high school education at sipala Secondary education after passing his CPE at Mikuva Primary School in the year 1979.

Before joining the county Government, Dr. Wamamili served as a Head of Curriculum, Instructional and educational media Department at Moi University.

While at Moi University, Wamamili served as campus coordinator, school of education Kitale Campus, coordinator for Early Childhood and Primary Education Programme, Teaching practice zonal coordinator for kakamega and Busia zone and coordinator for borderless Higher Education for Refugees, collaboration between Moi University and the University of British Colombia and York University.

Dr. Wamamili comes with a lot of experience in teaching undergraduate students, supervision and examination of post Graduate students and a board member of several District education and High Schools Boards.

Department of Environment, Water & Tourism


To be a clean, healthy, environmentally sustainable and prosperous county for a globally competitive tourist destination and to be the leading County Government in Kenya in the provision of accessible, adequate and quality water and sanitation services.


To ensure sustainable development through fostering effective, efficient utilization of County resources to promote the tourism industry in Bungoma County and to ensure Sustainable provision of adequate, quality and affordable water and sanitation services through effective management of resources and infrastructure and in turn promote socio-economic progress in the county.

Its mandate includes:

  • Development of Tourism circuits
  • Marketing and promotion of Tourism attractions in the County
  • Developing, preservation and conservation of forests and forested areas
  • Developing, preservation and conservation of natural water resources
  • Improve the Provision of Water and Sewerage Services
  • Increase water storage
  • Managing County Natural Resources in a sustainable manner
  • Promoting Research and development in the sector
  • Product development
  • Holding of stakeholders forum
  • Exhibitions and shows
  • Product identification and development
  • Identification of stakeholders and formation of association
  • Promotion of home stays and cultural tourism.
  • Reinforce Bungoma County tourism industry as a high quality service sector
  • Better position Bungoma County among the top tourism destination in the Country.
  • Create environment conducive to tourism businesses
  • Investing in Tourism Infrastructure
  • Enacting and enforcement of laws and regulations in the sector

Safeguarding of all tourist destinations

CEC – Herbert Wanjala Kibunguchy

Herbert Wanjala Kibunguchy is the current county executive Committee member for Environment,natural resources,water and energy,Bungoma county.

He is a Luhya by tribe with a family,hails from Webuye subcounty .

Kibunguchy is a holder of Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering,California state University  Sacramento.

Other courses completed include, value Engineering,Resident and project engineering academy,Management and supervisors training,Fundamentals of partnering on construction projects and scheduling with primavera.

While in california state University,Kibunguchy served in two department,Transportation and health as a hydraulic engineer in the flood -forecasting unit,Hazardous waste engineer,Assistant Resident and project engineer both North and central regions,

Senior Resident,Area construction engineer,Senior special funded projects engineer,Headquarter.

He also served part time In National construction Authority as a trainer,Chief officer-Roads ,Transport,infrastructure and public works ,Bungoma county.

Kibunguchy has a lot of experience in preparing of Ministry Budget,developing, implementing and communicating policies and procedures,Formulating and implementing effective programs to attain vision 2030 and sector goals,Developing and implementing strategic and sector developmenting plans and also providing strategic policy direction for effective service Delivery.

Department of Finance and Economic Planning


  • The provision of leadership and coordination in preparation of the County Development Plan documents.
  • Coordinating the County Budget making process
  • Debt management
  • Risk management
  • To provide overall leadership and policy direction in resource mobilization, management and accountability for quality public service delivery
  • Coordinating public participation in planning and budget processes
  • Provision of a sound public finance management system and plan that would result into effective and efficient provision of services to the people of Bungoma County.
  • Coordination and provision of leadership in the County Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework, and the Annual Progress Reports;
  • Assisting the other County Government departments to translate their strategy into action.
  • Ensure that there is responsible and clear fiscal reporting in the use of public funds.
  • Ensure adherence to Procurement and Disposal Act


  • Revenue
  • Procurement
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Audit
  • Accounts
  • Planning
  • Community Empowerment
  • Budget

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CEC – Barasa Chrispinus 


Chrispinus Barasa is the current County Executive Member (CECM)for Finance and Economic Planning,County Government of Bungoma.

He has over a decade of experience in Matters Financing and project Management .

Chrispinus has been both an accountant and Acting Manager of Bungoma Teachers.

He also served as the Chief Executive Officer from Oct 2010 to April 2014 at Ng’arisha Sacco.

Between April 2014 to Oct 2019 he served as chief officer in charge of Finance and Economic Planning ,Bungoma County Government.

He has also served as a Finance manager at Friends Lugulu Mission Hospital between Oct 2021 to end of August 2022.


Chrispinus Barasa is currently Pursing PhD in project Planning and Management (Project Financing),University of Nairobi

In 2014 he acquired a Masters of Arts in Project Planning and Management,University of Nairobi.

2001 to 2005 Bachelor of commerce, Accounting option ,Kenyatta University.

1996 to 1999 St.Mary’s Sosio Secondary school .

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education(KCSE)

1995 Kibuk Primary School.

Kenya Certificate of Primary Education(KCPE)

Department of Gender, Youth, Culture & Sports

About us

The  Gender, Youth, Children, Sports, Culture ministry is tasked with considering, reviewing and monitoring matters relating to education, gender, youth, sports and culture and making relevant recommendations.

Also, the committee monitors the implementation and adherence of international standards and national policy and legislation at the county level and makes appropriate recommendations.

Brief Introduction

The Department of Gender, Culture and Sports was established vide Executive No. 3/2013 with a mandate to develop polices and implement programs for sustained and balanced social, culture sporting activities as well as economic development of the county with the emphasis on empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups.

It is further mandated to support research interests particularly in gender and culture as well as to ensure access, equity and equality in every aspect of development. The functions of the Department, in the context of its mission, are on policy development, regulatory and legal matters in terms of gender and culture.

The Department has a duty of promoting and developing youth and sports for a vibrant sporting industry and empowered youth. The department’s vision is to lead in creative and innovative youth empowerment, achieving sporting excellence and embracing top of the range effective and efficient communication models.

The ministry inspires the community using platforms that empower the youth, enhance sporting excellence and provision of relevant information.

The ministry believes that our diversity and breadth, allows us to explore opportunities and address challenges at the county, national and global scale and enables gender and culture to contribute heavily to the County’s economic growth. More importantly, we believe that our customers/ clients are essential to our success.



To create sustainable and equitable social and economic empowerment to all


To formulate, mainstream and implement responsive policies through coordinated strategies for sustained and balanced social cultural and economic development of the county and empowerment of the county and empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups and areas


 The Ministry is responsible for the provision of policy guidance and direction through several services, these services include:

  • Gender mainstreaming and Social Economic Empowerment of Women and PWDS,
  • Child development affairs. This entails importantly Coordination of Primary Child Protection Services
  • Social support Protection Services
  • Community Development through community mobilization and community capacity building
  • Social welfare; Family and Child welfare, Generic Social Work, NGO Coordination
  • Culture Preservation and Promotion; Establish cultural centers, preserve traditional artifacts, secure cultural and historical sites.
  • Alcoholic drinks and Licensing and Control; Regulation of liquor licensing and consumption, Enforcing the laws of cultural and regulations and alcoholic drinks
  • Administrative services; Human resource Services, Accounts Services. Procurement Services, General Administration Services, HIV Work place interventions

CEC – Agnes Naliaka Wachie (PEng. Tech, MIET)

Naliaka is the CECM Gender, Culture, Youth and Sports in the County Government of Bungoma.

She is a mother of four and hails from Lwandanyi Ward, Sirisia Sub County.

She is a holder of Bachelor of Philosophy Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology) from the Technical University of Kenya,  Higher National Diploma Electrical & Electronis Engineering (Kenya Polytechnic),

She holds a Diploma in Project Management from Galilee International Management Institute (Israel), Senior Management Course from the Kenya School of Government (KSG), Mediation and Arbitration at the International Law Institute (Swaziland), Art and Science of Leadership, Tanzania, Renewable Energy (Solar PV) Trainer of Trainers (TOT) at JKUAT among other professioal courses.

She has over 30 years of working experience in the Energy Sector, initially Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) and lately Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA).

She has served as the Regional Manager EPRA North Rift covering 5 Counties and also served as Chairperson Kenya Engineering Technology Registration Board,  Council Member at TVET Curriculum Development and Certification Council (CDACC).

Naliaka is an accomplished Engineering Technologist, licensed Class A1 electrical worker and a Solar PV T3 Technician.

Naliaka is professionally affiliated to the Kenya Engineering Technology Registration Board (KETRB) where she served as founding Chairperson, the Institute of Engineering Technologists (IET), and member of the Association of Energy Professionals of East Africa (AEPEA).

Naliaka also sat on various committees among them the Energy Award (Ministry of Energy), Switchgear and Distribution Equipment Technical Committee, Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), the Electricians and Electrical Contractors Licensing Committee and Renewable Energy Licensing Committee.

For the love of her community, Naliaka founded two Community Based Professional Organizations; Bring Back to Community (BB2C) which helped construct a Library at ACK Lwandanyi Secondary School and Motisha Ladies Initiative  which through EPRA’s CSR activity mobilized funds to design and install a solar PV system, equip a 200 student capacity dormitory with beds, mattresses, bedside lockers and curtains at St. Mary Emmaculate Girls Secondary in Mayekwe, Lwandanyi Ward, Sirisia Sub-County.

Mrs Naliaka mentors and helps girls and boys in developing lifeskills.

Department of Public Service and Management

A professional, productive and responsive public service and administration

To develop and offer world class public administration service in Bungoma County


The mandate of the department is derived from the Constitution of Kenya 2010; article 6 of the Constitution divides Kenya into 47 counties and requires state organs to ensure reasonable access to their service in all parts of the republic.

At the same time, article 184 provides for urban areas and cities as unit of decentralization under the counties. Moreover article 176(2) requires county governments to decentralize their functions and the provision of services to the extent that is efficient and practicable.

The counties are administratively developed further into sub counties, wards and village units. So far, the Ministry of public service and management serves an estimated population of 1.6 million people in the 9 sub counties namely Sirisia, Kimilili, Kabuchai, Tongaren, Webuye East, Webuye West, Mt Elgon, Bumula and Kanduyi.

For effective service delivery, the ministry has 9 sub county administrators, 45 ward administrators, and 256 village administrators yet to be established who work in collaboration with the national government officials in their respective positions.



In pursuance of its mission as contained in the executive order 3 of 2015, the Department of Public Service and Management is mandated to:

  • Promote civic education on county policies and plans and policies
  • Disaster risk reduction.
  • Promote efficient and effective human resource management and development for improved public service delivery
  • Establish norms and standards to ensure that the county and department machinery functions optimally and those norms and standards are adhered to.
  • Promote an ethical public service through programs, systems frameworks and structures that detect prevent and combat corruption.
  • Decentralization, local governance and rural urban engagement.
  • Supporting and facilitating democratic governance.
  • Contribute towards improved public administration through dialogue and sharing of the best practice.
  • Coordination of the devolved units
  • Dissemination of county government policies
  • County administration
  • Conflict management and resolution
  • Interface with national administration
  • Coordination of performance management in the county public service


Benedict Esiromo Emacar is the current County Executive committee member (CECM) for public Administration and service management for Bungoma County Government.

Emacar who is a Teso by tribe, hails from Kimilili sub county and is married with three kids.

He holds a bachelor ‘s degree in commerce (B COM)

Professional accounting CPA –part two

Before his appointment as the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for public Administration and Service Management he was the:

  • Economic Advisor- Bungoma County from 2013- 2017.
  • Constituency Development Fund Account Manager in (Mt. Elgon, Kimilili & Butula).

-He also served as the Chairman Central Management Committee of the Wards Development Fund and also served as a member of Bungoma County Budget Committee.

Department of Roads, Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works


  • Infrastructure development and maintenance.
  • Open up all access roads by repairing, grading and gravelling
  • Connect All Weather roads with bridges
  • Repair and maintenance of roads to primarily be done through own machinery and MOUs with local sugar companies.
  • Enhance monitoring and evaluation through stringent inspections.
  • Institutionalize change management and organizational culture in managing people in depth.


  • Accountability
  • Integrity
  • Accessibility
  • Equity
  • Transparency
  • Excellency
  • Responsiveness
  • Teamwork


The road directorate is charged with planning, designing, developing and supervising of projects to ensure safe, durable, functional and economical building of roads and bridges.

Besides design work, the department also undertakes feasibility and technical investigations of sites, supervise the tendering procedures and logically resolve design and development problems associated with roads.


This section facilitates provision and maintenance of building and other public works within the county. It also oversees development of design for public buildings, preparation of bill of quantities for building projects and other public works. The directorate provides projects and contract management services to building projects.


This section oversees erection of road furniture, creation of bus bays, maintaining and improving transport systems, licensing, creation of transport policies and liaising with other players to enforce transport policies and regulations. The transport and safety department also includes the Fire Section which deals mostly with all types of disasters including fires, firefighting and rescue, emergency medical response services, trainings through lectures and demonstrations, drills, building inspections and enforcement of fire safety legislation/ compliance and fire investigations.

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CEC – Boniventure Chengeck 


Bonventure Chengeck Chemaket is the current County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Roads, Infastructure and Public Works, Bungoma County, having been appointed by Governor Kenneth Lusaka upon assuming office in August 2022 as the 3rd Bungoma County Governor.

Chengeck hails from Mt Elgon Sub County, a Sabaot, the minority sub-tribe in Bungoma County.

He holds a Bachelors of Arts in Development Studies (Honors) from Makerere University and a Strategic Management Masters Degree in Business Administration from Moi University.

He is a seasoned Grants Manager, Peacebuilder, Conflict Resolution, Prevention & Countering of Violent Extremism specialist who has worked in East and Central Africa garnering over 14 years of working experience at the national, regional, and international level providing programmatic support to both the public and private sector.

He has professional qualifications in grants management, finance, conflict management, democracy, and governance from recognized institutions of higher learning in the United States and Europe.

Over his years of work, he has taken lead in organizational capacity building, community contracting, mobilization, advocacy and good governance.

Prior to his recent appointment, he was serving as the Platform Manager in charge of Peace Building & Conflict Transformation at Act and the focal officer for the Inter-Government Authority on Development (IGAD) Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Network (CEWARN).

Department of Health and Sanitation

An effective health care system that is accessible and affordable for every Kenyan.

To promote and participate in the provision of high quality preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to all Kenyans.


  • To provide high standards of attainable preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services.
  • To ensure consistent and timely procurement of health products to all health facilities in the county to reduce the lead time of procuring Health products and Technologies from over six months to two weeks.
  • To establish a robust and dynamic human resource capital base that is aligned to health sector strategic priorities.
  • To upgrade and renovate health infrastructure to facilitate delivery of quality comprehensive health care services to the citizens of Bungoma County.
  • To improve the referral infrastructure to cover all levels of the health service in the county.
  • To secure sufficient and sustainable resources for health financing to provide essential health services to the citizens of Bungoma County
  • To enhance the capacities of health sector structures and systems to provide effective leadership across all county organs
  • To facilitate access to quality health information for decision making at all levels within the county to increase the reporting index (reporting rate, completeness and timeliness) by health facilities.
  • To Benchmark on best practices and evidence-based health interventions through continuous research and development initiatives. 

Quick statistics

Population: 1.7 million
Public Facilities: 143. This includes 133 health centres and 10 sub-county hospitals.

CEC – Dr. Andrew Wekesa Wamalwa 

Dr Andrew Wekesa Wamalwa (39) is the current Bungoma County Health and Sanitation County Executive Committee Member (CECM).

He is a professional Family physician who was born and raised in Bungoma County, Kanduyi constituency, Samoya village.
He is well versed with health systems management in both Kenya and international having received his masters in Cuba
Dr.Wamalwa was the District Medical Officer of Health (for 8 years) for Samia District (Busia County) from March 2010 to May 2012.
Medical Officer of Health (MOH) for Sirisia sub-county from June 2012 to October 2015 and Webuye East sub-county from October 2015 to October 2017.
Medical superintendent (October 2017 to July 2018) Kimilili sub-county hospital in Bungoma County.
During his tenure as the MOH, he organized and chaired District Health Management Team monthly meetings and organized and chaired District Health Stakeholders Forum quarterly meetings.
Dr. Wamalwa is a Masters of medicine in family medicine holder which he acquired in 2022 from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, Cuba.
In 2014 he acquired Masters of Science in Health Economics and Policy, University of Nairobi.
2009 Internship in Bungoma District Hospital
2003 to 2008 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery- The University of Nairobi.
1998 to 2001 Musingu High School. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).
1990 to 1997 Lugulu Primary School. Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

Department of Lands, Urban & Physical Planning

The sector is composed of four sub-sectors namely; Land survey, Urban, Physical Planning, and Housing.

To excel in sustainable land Management and the built environment in the county

To facilitate efficient land administration and management for equitable resource utilization in the county

Its Mandate includes:

  • Promoting sustainable land use practices
  • Formulating policies for sustainable rural and urban planning
  • Fostering sustainable development by ensuring balance between built up areas and open spaces
  • Conducting Research and Development to improve sector performance
  • Solving land-boundary disputes

CEC – Wekesa Douglas Sasita 


Douglas Sasita is the current CEC  in charge of  Lands, Urban Planning, Housing, and Municipalities docket.

He hails from Bumula sub-county.

He has over 17 years of Architectural experience and he is well versed in the field

He served as the Chair -Bungoma Municipality Board from 2019 to Feb 202w and as a Graduate Architect at Studio Infinity Architect,Nairobi between 2004l5 and 2008

He has worked on several project ;Lavington Shopping Mall ( 2011-2015),

Teejay-Estate, Lavington Nairobi between 2012 and 2015 and Green Span Housing,Donholm,Nairobi from 2007 to 2017 among others.


2008 Registered Architect ( A1204)

2005 Bachelor of Architecture,University of Nairobi

2002 CPA(FINALIST) Strathyre University College

Department of Trade Energy and Industrilization

  • Background of the Department

The Trade, Energy and Industrialization is one of the key Departments in promoting economic growth and development in Bungoma County. The Department is established through an Executive Order No. 2 of 2014 as the principal body responsible for overseeing all activities and matters related to trade, energy and industrialization in the county.   It is headed by a County Executive Committee Member(CECM) appointed by H.E the Governor of the County Government of Bungoma and   a Chief Officer who is the accounting officer.

The main responsibilities of the Department include: -facilitation of trade and investment; increasing rural access to electricity and other renewable sources of energy; improving market infrastructure; and establishing a robust, diversified and competitive industrial sector in the county.

1.2.      Vision and Mission Statement

1.2.1 Vision Statement

A Globally Competitive sector in Sustainable Trade and Investment, Industrialization; facilitate Access to Reliable, Affordable and Clean Energy for Socio-Economic Development.


1.2.2 Mission Statement

To provide an Enabling Environment for Sustainable Trade and Investment, Promote Value-Addition and Adoption of Modern Technology in Industrialization; Facilitate Access to Reliable, Affordable and Clean Energy for Socio-Economic Development.

1.3.       CORE VALUES

Customer Care

The Department shall remain committed to processes and procedures that emphasize the assessment of needs, the design and delivery of programmes and their impact through regular monitoring and evaluation to the satisfaction of the public.

Transparency and Accountability

The Department and its agencies will design and commit to processes that facilitate regular and timely feedback on progress and performance with regard to programmes, activities and finances.


The Department and its professionals will exhibit the highest standards of professionalism in their engagement with clients and beneficiaries. The Department will at all-times exhibit commitment and dedication to their work, show mutual respect and be timely in their delivery of services.

Productive and Results-oriented

The Departmental staff shall at all times be productive and be focused on achieving the set targets and results in its service provision. Teamwork shall be the driving force for collective implementation of plans and programmes of the Department.

Creativity and Innovation

The Department will endeavour to harness the creative talents of the people of Bungoma, while developing and providing innovative solutions to challenges faced in meeting its mandate and needs of its clientele.

Integrity and honesty

The Department’s staff will uphold integrity and honesty in all their operations with the county’s residents and its stakeholders.


1.4.       Mandates and Functions

The core mandate of the Department as derived from the executive order is implemented through its three main Divisions: -Trade, Energy and Industrialization.

1.4.1.          The Division of Trade

This is one of the key divisions in the Department with the mandate of facilitating trade, investment and public private sector development through identification of opportunities, development of innovative investment policy frameworks, enforcing fair trade practices, promotion of trade opportunities, retail and wholesale markets, export promotion, Trade Negotiations and Advisory services, Entrepreneurship and Business Management training. In order to effectively perform the aforementioned functions, the division is divided into two sections namely Trade and Enterprise Development and Weights and Measures.

The Departments has enforced fair trade practices and consumer protection in the County through sensitization for a, calibration of standards and verification and stamping of weighing and measuring equipment. It has also sensitized traders on County Trade loan, business and loan management, book keeping among other business areas.

The Department is currently Constructing Kamukuywa Market, renovating Chwele Market and fencing of Kipsigon market to provide a conducive business environment for traders.

Ongoing constructions at Kamukuywa Market

1.4.2.          The Division of Energy

The energy division is charged with the responsibility of spearheading rural electrification and promoting the adoption of alternative energy sources through hydropower development, green energy exploration and development in a bid to spur economic development in rural areas, reduce energy costs and extend hours of operation. The division therefore strives to increase electricity connectivity to market centers, schools, health centers and rural homes using renewable and clean sources of energy.

The Department has installed lights on various markets, shopping centres and streets ranging from Solar, grid and high flood lights with the intention of enhancing security and increasing business working hours for traders. The Department also procured a Cherry Pick-Up that has made routine repair and maintenance of the installed lights more efficient.

Installation of high flood mast lights & street lighting in urban centres across Bungoma County

The Department is in the process of installing transformers across the County in Partnership with REREC. Repair and maintenance is ongoing, it is a continuous activity in the Department.


1.4.3.          The Division of Industry

This division is important in employment creation and promotion of innovation among the youths in Bungoma County. As such, the division is mandated to provide an enabling environment for private sector led industrial development in the County by promoting resource based industries, Equally, the division encourages sustainable creativity and innovation to continually improve production processes and quality of products. Finally, the division is expected to encourage effective development of industrial human resource and specific skills for industry to enhance competitiveness.

The Department is constructing a County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP) in Sang’alo with the main objective of growing manufacturing and investments through Agro-Industries and enhancing competitiveness of agriculture sector in a sustainable manner hence creating inclusive decent jobs, increase farmers’ income; Increase foreign exchange, provide platform where farmers, processors, exporters, researchers institutions, industrial bodies and Government can engage for agro-industrial development.


County Aggregation and Industrial Park at Sang’alo works in progress


CEC – Ms. Carolyne Makali Khalayi

Ms. Carolyne Makali Khalayi is the current County Executive Committe Member (CECM) for Trade, Energy and Industrialization.

She is from the Luhya tribe and comes from Kabuchai Constituency.

She holds Bachelors Degree in Business Commerce – Accounting Option from Kibabii University.

Prior to her appointment, she was serving as the Records Management Officer at the National Government Constituency Development Fund, Kabuchai Constituency.

She also served as a Research Assistant at the National Taxpayers’ Association.

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Bungoma Municipal Building-Office of The Governor,

Opposite Huduma center along Moi avenue

P.O Box 437-50200

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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